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What is the Best Type of Water to Drink?

Ionizer Bee

We all know that we need to drink more water. It’s a given. It seems that every week another nutritionist or health watchdog hands down yet another reason why we should all be drinking more H2O.

So yep, we get it. Drink water. Around eight 8-ounce glasses is the amount to aim for, but here’s where it stops being simple.

What kind of water is the best type to drink? Bottled? Tap? Mineral? Artisan? It might be our simplest requirement, but water is a complicated business!

What Type of Water Should We Avoid?

First of all, which type of water should we definitely avoid? Honestly? Bottled water has great advertising but it’s actually all kinds of bad news. It’s expensive for starters, but there are two major drawbacks with bottled water: it carries health risks from chemical elements leaking from the plastic into the water, and plastic bottles are an environmental catastrophe.

Saying that plastic can be recycled isn’t enough. As a nation, we’re not applying ourselves to the task - only 30% of plastic bottles are recycled. Globally, the news is bleak: up to 13m tonnes of plastic – including countless plastic bottles – fill the oceans. By 2050, the sea will contain more plastic than fish. The message could not be clearer.

Toxins On Tap?

So how about good old tap water? It’s certainly cheap and let’s face it – what’s easier than turning on a tap for instant hydration?

The problem is that millions of American homes have tap water that is contaminated by dangerous toxins. And it’s not only rural communities with aging water systems battling increasing quantities of herbicide and pesticide runoff. The tap water in many of our major cities contains dangerous levels of poisonous and carcinogenic elements including lead and radium.

The Problem With Reverse Osmosis

So how about cleaning up your tap water with a reverse osmosis system? That way, you can still drink easy, cheap tap water without the plastic byproducts and toxins, right?

Well…yes. Except that as well as taking out the toxic stuff, reverse osmosis machines also strip your water of every essential mineral that is vital to a healthy body. Water that has all of its mineral content removed is fine for short periods of time - in an emergency situation for example – but is potentially harmful in the longer term. Why? Well, ‘dead’ water wants to remineralize itself. It does this by leaching minerals from your body – such as those contained in your bones and teeth – and ultimately compromising your health.

What’s Your Favorite Filter?

So how about plain old filter jugs? Can we drink tap water that has been filtered? We’re getting closer to a solution here, but while filter jugs remove some contaminants, they can’t tackle the deadly, carcinogenic ones. Filter jugs are better than drinking plain tap water, but don’t kid yourself that filter jug water is completely safe.

Why Water Ionizers Are the Smart Choice

So how about water ionizers? These smart machines are plumbed into your water supply and do the job of transforming your regular tap water into ionized, hydrogen-infused, filtered water that tastes altogether better than straight tap water.

Not all water ionizers are created equally though. Some definitely outperform the competition.

Some water ionizer companies plow resources into filtration and ionization technology in order to build machines that do what others can’t. These water ionizer machines have exceptional filters that remove practically all dangerous toxins – including 99% of lead – without taking out essential minerals. The ionization process also infuses the water with naturally occurring therapeutic hydrogen and antioxidants.

As a result, your tap water is transformed into something healthful and delicious, all at the push of a button.

The Verdict!

Taking into account environmental issues, good health and taste, water ionizers are the way forward. What do you think? Is it time to install a water ionizer in your home?

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