There are several reasons why we’ve singled out the Tyent ACE13 water ionizer for special attention.

It’s Got the Looks…
First off, the obvious: it looks really good. If you’re big on sleek lines and an all-around stylish addition to your kitchen, then you’ll be wowed by the ACE-13. But this is a machine that doesn’t sacrifice performance in the name of looks: the Tyent ACE-13 outperforms virtually every other water ionizer machine in its class.
…and The Performance
Let’s consider for a moment what people look for when they want to buy a water ionizer. It has to be powerful and produce potent levels of molecular hydrogen. It has to filter your source water so that no toxic contaminants remain. It has to produce great-tasting water that makes a tangible difference to your health and wellbeing. And it has to come with a rock-solid guarantee.
Avoid Cheap Imports
Cheap water ionizers don’t make the cut. If you find a water ionizer that’s much cheaper than anything else on the market, give it a deep swerve. At best, they are ineffective and produce negligible amounts of hydrogen. At worst, they’re imported from China and contain lead (and bear in mind that there is a whole separate industry specializing in fake ‘lead free!’ certificates).
The Specification to Wow
So, we’re looking at water ionizers made by recognizable, big brand names. Tyent has been distinguishing itself for several years by gaining a reputation for investing in innovation and producing superb water ionizers with exceptional capabilities.
With the ACE-13 (the AC stands for Above Counter), Tyent has met its own high standards and surpassed them. Here’s the all-important spec:
13 powerful Solid/Mesh Hybrid platinum-dipped titanium plates – the largest in the industry
Xtreme Molecular Hydrogen Boost
Dual filtration system
Front-loading, one-touch filter replacements and reset
Hands-free, motion-activated flow sensor
3 alkaline water settings and 3 acidic water settings
Turbo mode
Industry-first customized LCD display
In short, it’s a competitive field, but no other water ionizer manages to achieve what the ACE-13 does. It also looks chic and impressive without dominating even the smallest kitchen.
Other water ionizers have impressive features, but no other machine manages to check all the important boxes with this much style and confidence. Tyent has harnessed its solid engineering and design credentials to create a water ionizer that sets a towering new standard within the industry. Have you been shopping for a water ionizer lately? Have you considered the ACE-13. Please leave a comment and let us know your experience. It would be great to hear from you!